well, it's officially Christmas season now - I'm watching 'It's a Wonderful Life' while I'm working on my post. My favorite part is at the very end when brother Harry returns home from war and toasts, "to my big brother George, the richest man in town..."
And next comes the part with the bell ringing and Zuzu saying her teacher told her about the angel getting their wings and all =) sigh... it's one of my favorite movies ever, and for whatever reason makes me cry at that ending part every single time!
Tonight's photo is the Christmas tree on display in downtown Terrell on the southeast corner of the intersection at Moore Ave and Rockwall St.
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings! That's my favorite part & it ALWAYS makes me cry at that part, too! I LOVE THAT MOVIE & I love Jimmy Stewart!
Beautiful Christmas tree!
Gosh doggit, Brian, my eyes are watering just talking about that movie! Jeez, I'm such a sap!
I have never seen the movie. Now you've ruined the ending for me!!! ;)
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