Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sleepy Saturday!

I got up early today to make it out to the 5k in Wills Point.

Unbelievably, I improved my time from 32:24 down to 29:41. For 3.1 miles. Quite unbelievable. I think the course must've been short or something, because I don't think i improved by 2.6 minutes...

My next race will be Saturday (next weekend) for the McKinney Historical 5k run. So it'll give me a chance to see if I really did speed up my pace that much. I have a feeling I'll be over 32 minutes next weekend =)

After the race, I got some good weekend naptime in! =)

Friday, July 30, 2010

finally friday!

happy weekend to everyone!

anyone who participated in the photowalk - the deadline is tomorrow (Saturday July 31st) to upload a photo to Scott Kelby's site for consideration in judging! So, please click through this link and upload your best photo!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

friendly people

Every day, on my way home, I see this guy out on the street behind Valero waving at people.

He always seems so happy.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

looking up

today's photo is taken on the corner of Moore Ave and Adelaide in downtown Terrell. Interesting architecture on this building - I'd like to see the upstairs, it looks like a big loft apartment =)

p.s. Walkers from the photowalk this past Saturday can upload their photos to the Terrell Flickr group - here...

The Worldwide Photowalk main site will allow photo uploads for the contest through this coming Saturday, July 31st. So be sure to submit your best photo to the Kelby site before Saturday!

Monday, July 26, 2010

LE Griffith House

Walkers from the photowalk this past Saturday need to be sure to upload their photos to the Terrell Flickr group - feel free to upload as many photos as you want to the group...

Scott Kelby's Flickr group link is here - they only allow 5 photo uploads per day per person.

The Worldwide Photowalk main site will allow photo uploads for the contest through this coming Saturday, July 31st. So, as you go through your photos, start thinking about which one you consider your best - and be sure to submit it to the Kelby site before next Saturday!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Terrell Photowalk 2010 continued

I just wanted to thank everyone who joined us for the Terrell Photowalk yesterday!

It was a little hot - but it's Texas, we all knew it would be!

A few people have already uploaded some photos to the Terrell Flickr group - feel free to upload as many photos as you want to the group...

Scott Kelby's Flickr group link is here - they only allow 5 photo uploads per day per person.

The Worldwide Photowalk main site will allow photo uploads for the contest beginning today, Sunday July 25 through next Saturday, July 31st. So, as you go through your photos, start thinking about which one you consider your best - and be sure to submit it to the Kelby site before next Saturday!

Once again, the sponsor of the contest is the National Association of Photoshop Professionals - so if you like to edit your photos, any post-processing is welcomed.

Please contact me at with any questions - also, if you'd like to be included on any future walks or local events please send me an email with your email address.

Thanks again for coming yesterday!

p.s. if you're on Facebook, look up Texas Daily Photo and Terrell Daily Photo and be sure to follow us on there too!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Terrell Photowalk 2010

I want to thank everyone who made it out to the photowalk this morning! The photo today is our group shot we took when we started this morning - there was actually about 7 people who showed up a little late and missed the group photo, so we had about 22 people total participating!

The flickr group link here has been set up for anyone who wants to upload photos from the Terrell walk.

Scott Kelby also has a flickr group set up for the world-wide photowalk, and you can upload your photos here also.

Beginning tomorrow through next Saturday, July 31st you can pick your best photo and upload it the Terrell Photowalk page on Scott Kelby's Worldwide Photowalk - click here!

And a reminder - As long as the photo is taken today and in Terrell, it's eligible to be submitted for the contest!

Friday, July 23, 2010

photowalk saturday!

it's finally here!

the photowalk will start at 9a in downtown Terrell on Saturday morning!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

downtown views

today i have another view of downtown Terrell taken at last year's photowalk.

if you haven't signed up for this year's walk yet - you can click the link in the right hand column to join us~!!

Yeah!! Tomorrow's Friday!!~

We'll meet in the parking lot next to Risinger's Western Store at 9am Saturday for the photowalk!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

3 days until the Photowalk!

Today's photo was one of mine taken during the photowalk last year. It's also the one I submitted for the contest =)

Saturday at 9am we'll be meeting in the parking lot next to Risinger's Country Store, showing in the background of this shot.

If you're in town Saturday, meet up with us at 9a for a group photograph, and then mosey around downtown at your leisure and take some photos.

When you're ready, meet us over at 805 First St to photograph the grounds and basement of the old LE Griffith home. Mr. Davis Griffith-Cox will be on-hand to answer questions about his family home, or pretty much any other local history question you may have!

The walk will be from 9a - 11a - but anyone who registers for the walk at this link - or in the right hand column - will be able to submit a photo for consideration to represent Terrell in the worldwide photowalk contest! And I'll accept photos taken anywhere around town as long as they're taken on the day of the walk...

Hope to see you Saturday!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


a quick post tonight, as i'm running late! a photo from Cahokia, Ill.

Monday, July 19, 2010

flower critters

another blistering hot day in Texas today! we went running this afternoon at 6pm and the temperature was still 96 degrees outside...

It should be cool this Saturday, though, at 9am - and if you're around downtown Terrell, stop by with your camera and join us for the 2nd annual Terrell Photo Walk!

The Photowalk is a part of Scott Kelby's world-wide photowalk. People around the world will be touring cities and snapping photos on the same day.

Participants are free to walk around downtown Terrell and take photos - and then meet over at 805 First Street to photograph the grounds and basement of the LE Griffith Home.

Click here or the link to the right for more info and to sign up!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday evening

my least favorite night of the week. I'm not sure why... hmmm =)

with big brother after dark on showtime, i'll try not to stay up til it's time to make the donuts =)

6 days til the photowalk!

if you're in Terrell this coming Saturday, July 24th - come downtown and join us for a photowalk from 9a til 11a. Bring a camera and walk around downtown at your leisure taking photos, and we will then photograph the grounds of the LE Griffith home located at 805 First St.

After the walk you can submit a photo for consideration as a contender for prizes available through Scott Kelby. Click the link above for details, or the 'Worldwide Photowalk' link in the right hand column!.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wills Point Rodeo

a summer evening in Wills Point, Texas.

bugs swarming the lights

bronco riding

and big dogs

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Keener Springs

One more vacation photo =) today's shot came from Keener Springs, in southeast Missouri. I hope to go on a float or canoe trip next time I go! I'll have some more shots posted on my facebook page this weekend.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

country setting

c'mon weekend =)

Jim and I will be running the 'Too Hot to Handle' 5k this Sunday at White Rock lake.

Monday, July 12, 2010

two sides to everything...

To prove the old saying, here is the 'back-side' of yesterday's photo =)

a look in the other direction.

Please read through yesterday's post and if you'll be in Terrell on Saturday, July 24th - sign up to join us on the photo walk! You can click on the link in the right hand column too!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Terrell Photo Walk 2010

I'll be hosting the 2010 Terrell Photo Walk on Saturday July 24th - associated with Scott Kelby's Worldwide Photo Walk held around the world on that same day. Click here to sign up to attend in Terrell!

What is a photo walk? A bunch of people with an interest in photography get together to walk around an area and take photos. Everyone is welcome - all ages and skill levels.

After the walk, participants may submit photos to the Flickr group for our walk (I will link to the site after the walk) - and eventually upload a 'best' photo to submit for the photowalk contest through Kelby - more details here.

Where is the walk?:
  • We will meet in downtown Terrell on Saturday July 24th at 9am in the parking lot next to Risinger's Western Apparel (across from the Iris Theater); you can park in any legal parking space located around downtown.
  • We will take photos in downtown Terrell first and follow up at the L.E. Griffith house located at 805 First St. We will start in downtown and head over to First Street around 10am.
When: The photo walk is 'officially' held from 9am - 11am on Saturday July 24th. I will accept photos taken from anywhere around Terrell, as long as they are taken on the date of the photo walk.

One of the sponsors of the contest is NAPP - National Association of Photoshop Professionals. So, if you like to play around and edit your photos in your favorite software - feel free!! You can browse through past entries on Scott Kelby's site above, and see some wonderful ''shopped' photos of past winners.

Thanks to everyone for signing up, and feel free to contact me at with any questions.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, the 24th!

I will try to update again in the next week - as we hope to have the chance to photograph inside the basement in the Griffith house this year - I will send a confirmation when this is certain.

Cahokia, Illinois

I pronounce it 'noise' with 'z' sound on the end =)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Vacation photos

Another photo from my vacation this past week. This is the railroad bridge near downtown Poplar Bluff Missouri, that spans the Black River.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Today's photo was taken at the pond on my dad's property... it looks like a state park =) and the pond reflections looked especially sharp in the early morning.

Bun in the Oven

Today's photo is my radiant, beautiful younger sister who is expecting her first child, Landon, this September.

She let me feel her tummy as he moved around to get comfortable =) Life is good.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Home at last...

Marathon vacation has come to an end... 2 cities in 5 days!

Today's photo is Frosty Drive In, located in Poplar Bluff, Mo. I loved to go to Frosty's and get a Pepsi with cherry when I was a kid... unfortunately when I went by on this trip they weren't open yet =)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

ummm... hello?

hap-hazard holiday remote posting =)
hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!

Friday, July 2, 2010

holiday weekend!

Made it to Springfield tonight. Will get up early in the morning to finish the drive to St. Louis.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!

skywatch friday!

happy friday and holiday weekend to all!

Click here to view all skywatch friday participants!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Carnegie Library

I'll be going out of town for a few days over the holiday, so I'll have some posts on autopilot coming up!

happy 4th of july to all!