today's photo was taken on my way home from work on wednesday... the orange sunset was reflecting off the clouds moving through with a cold front, and it looked spectacular!
more sites participating in skywatch friday can be found here!
jim over at terrell daily photo has a shot of this same sunset taken just a little bit earlier than this photo...
happy weekend all!
Wow, great sunset shot! Looks like fire in the sky...beautiful...
That is incredible!! It does indeed look like fire in the sky! How terrific to be able to catch something like that, isn't it? Really gorgeous!
Have a great weekend!
Yes, no other way to describe but the sky on fire. Great capture.
It does look like fire rolling across the sky.
Whoa! That sunset has worked wonders with the cloud. What a terrific texture you have captured. I am so envious!!
Holy cow Brian! Talk about the right place at the right time. I'm guessing you are lovin' that new camera about now.
Spectacular!!! The color is amazing. MB
"molten" comes to mind
Holy Toledo, Brian, this is waaaaaay more than spectacular! This was taken w/ your new camera, right? It's... I can't think of a word better than... GLORIOUS! That's GOD showing off, indeed!
Gorgeous sky with stunning colors!
Did you take this with your new "toy"? It's absolutely beautiful! You should have signed up to host the skywatch!!
Wow! Not much to say other than magnificent!
Jim called your photo "fire in the sky," and he was right. I'm afraid you've beat him out for first place in the sunset competition for this week! Poor Jim!
But, it would be hard for anyone to beat this! Great work, Brian!
It does look spectacular. Wonderful capture. Happy skywatching.
Omg Brian! That is an amazing sky and photo. Just gorgeous.
Wow, Brian! I am so glad that you got this photo to share with us. It's stupendous!
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