Sunday, July 31, 2011

a few more combat challenge...

a few more from the firemen combat challenge in Greenville yesterday...

click over to my facebook page here for more photos from the event!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


the Firefighters Combat Challenge was held up in Greenville, Texas this morning. Firemen fully dressed in firefighting uniform in the Texas heat. And it was hot.

Challengers from all over Texas and Oklahoma raced through the team obstacle course in head to head combat. The heat got a little much before we saw the finals =)

Friday, July 29, 2011

end of the week

let the weekend begin

today's photo is the other half of my friend from yesterday =)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

front porch buddy

nothing like hanging out with my little friend on the front porch.

he never says much, but i think he hears me.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


still not friday? the weekends go so fast, what's up with these long work weeks!

well, i've reached my debt ceiling limit, and payday's still a week away. gonna try to shift some money around to squeeze out a little extra time. if that doesn't work, i'll just use my credit cards more... i could just stop paying, i suppose.

it's five o'clock somewhere.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

tuesday tree

an old tree in the alamo's courtyard in san antonio... not to name drop, or anything.

tomorrow's not friday yet?

Monday, July 25, 2011

almost rain

well, late this afternoon we had some rain clouds move through... but no rain fell at my house in Terrell. Maybe next time.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

sunday evening

back to the grindstone tomorrow!

today's photos are a couple memorial bricks for my grandfather and me/my website down at the new veteran's memorial...

august is around the corner! we're still hoping for rain or a cold front down here!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

tubing ... new braunfels style

On our way back from San Antonio last Saturday, we stopped in New Braunfels to soak in some of the cool water of the Comal River. And trust me, the water was chilly!

The sun was not chilly. It was hot, and it burned me... =)

Texas is suffering some serious drought conditions right now - tubing in the Guadalupe river is difficult compared to normal summers due to low water flow. The Comal was a little low also, but not near as bad.

Friday, July 22, 2011


well, we made it! friday!

today's photo was taken at the river walk in San Antonio - as was yesterday's stair photo.

hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


i think i see the end of the week at the top of the stairs!

and a fountain down below =)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


it's cold outside inside! it's gonna cost a fortune, but i got a shivering chill from the a/c tonight!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

colored glass

as seen in a store window in san antonio... it was a large light fixture hanging from the ceiling and made of hand blown colored glass. I saw similar glass in vegas on the last trip =)

Monday, July 18, 2011

tower of the americas

another tourist attraction that's hard to miss along the san antonio skyline... the tower of the americas. a long-standing remnant of the '68 world's fair!

this is where i'll be running my first ever half marathon in november... i need to learn a bit more about the area where i'll be running =)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

remember the alamo

the other must-see attraction when visiting san antonio. the Alamo. the namesake for the run sponsor also, Alamo Beer!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

san antonio riverwalk

a must-see attraction when visiting san antonio =) the downtown riverwalk!

i'm back from my weekly 5k - this week at the Alamo Beer 5k in San Antonio... although the sun was hot, my time wasn't very... i finished in 34:08. but again, it was hot... so i ran slow =)

i signed up for a half marathon in november... 13.1 miles! i have 4 months to prepare.

Friday, July 15, 2011

friday skywatch!

happy friday! i'm off to san antonio for my big 5k run tonight... followed by some free Alamo Beer!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

the harbor

thursday is one day closer to friday!!

thursday also means it's concert night at the harbor - free music and good times! tonight is Double Ace.

Click over for a sample of their music, or just come out to the harbor in Rockwall around 7:30p tonight!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


he's practicing his form to be a future runner =)

and me, i'm getting ready for the alamo beer 5k run on friday night in san antonio! my first official evening run!

Monday, July 11, 2011


well, i've decided on a new tattoo to commemorate my first half marathon... now i just need to plan and prepare for a half marathon... that's 13.1 miles!

this may not be the exact tattoo - but a variation =) i'll leave room for a 26.2, but really not sure that would ever happen! =P

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Too Hot to Handle

Today was the Too Hot to Handle 5k and 15k down in Norbuck Park by White Rock Lake.

I had a good run (in the 5k) and beat my time from last year. I think i finished around 32:58, but still waiting for the official times to post.

The runner in the photo was finishing the 15k not long after I finished the 5k.. =) I'll have more photos to post later - here and on facebook...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

dog days

gotta love the summer heat in Texas... we were lucky today to have some clouds to block the sun a little bit =) feels like that twilight zone, where they wake up and it's really too cold!

tomorrow morning is the Too Hot to Handle run!

Friday, July 8, 2011


happy friday! the run this weekend is Sunday instead of Saturday... and it'll probably be in the mid-80s for the run. But, it's Texas... it's July... it's supposed to be hot. This is when we learn to appreciate the a/c...

today's photos was taken at the pond in Ben Gill Park.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

one more...

ok, one more fireworks post =)

today's photo was selected as one of the fireworks photos posted over on the rachel maddow blog here!

Is it Friday yet?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

baby duck

momma duck was giving me the eye, telling me not to get too close =)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

more fireworks!

as promised, here are a few more fireworks photos... and i have more posted over on facebook here!

Monday, July 4, 2011


i'll have more photos here and on facebook tomorrow... but for now, here's one shot from the fireworks display down at Ben Gill Park tonight.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

3rd of july

woke up to some severe lower back pains this morning... i've been nursing my back for a few weeks, trying to stave off a trip to the doc. but this morning was different - i couldn't walk! the nerve from my back/butt/left thigh was sending a shooting pain with every step.

thank goodness for muscle relaxers and advil. i feel a LOT better this evening and plan to go ahead and run my 8k scheduled for tomorrow morning!

a safe and happy 4th to all!