Saturday, December 31, 2011

happy new year's eve!

i closed out the year this morning with the Superman 5k in Rockwall. My 34th race of the year; 19 - 5ks, 9 - 10ks, 2 - 5 mile runs, an 8 mile, a 15k a 20k and a half marathon make out the year. =)

The goal for next year is finish a marathon, 26.2 miles!

Friday, December 30, 2011

half way there

well, last night i finally did it. i got a 13.1 tattoo to commemorate my finishing the half marathon back in november. i'll get another one when i finish a marathon next year (fingers crossed) =). i like the running man tattoo - and the 13.1 is a little crooked, but that's OK. i can get that touched up later =)

one more day til the new year - anyone making resolutions? i have a couple...

Thursday, December 29, 2011


i know i've already said it... but i'll say it again! i can't believe this year is already over with!

happy new year's eve's eve.!  :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

watch out!

this is one half of a pair... joseph to his partner mary =) this was taken as he was circling and eyeing me. kicking up his rear legs and letting me know he meant business if i tried to get any closer =)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

all eyes on me

it's funny how all the animals come for feeding time, but they still keep a watchful eye on the dangerous humans who just spread out the hay =)  Sugar, the horse in this pic, didn't mind though -  she let me pet her...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

xmas eve

better be good - santa's still got his eye on you!

shawnee, the dog, has his eye on me. the blue eye =)

merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2011

christmas eve's eve

with the holidays upon us, i've missed a few posts... i'll try to do better =)  merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

holiday lights

one last bokeh pic... it reminds me of my holiday season - a blur =) the days just seem to fly by! looking forward to a few days off work and some good holiday sweets! i can work it off next year ;)

Monday, December 19, 2011

terrell downtown lights

ok.. i finally made it downtown in the evening to capture some bokeh style lights with my regular camera. today's photos are the same ones from yesterday's post.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

sunday eve

well, it happened again - i blinked and the weekend was over.

tonight's photo is some point and shoot bokeh - i'll try the dslr camera next =)

the year will be over in less than 2 weeks! i anticipate lots of changes in 2012. Hopefully all for the good. i will be working towards running a marathon! and some type of weight training will be on the resolution list too!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

frosty saturday

it was cold outside this morning, frost on the windshields! not quite as cold as last year when we did the 1st annual Santa CLAW 5k. This year was the 2nd annual - love it when they follow thru!!  we've been taking it a little easy the last week, and i could feel that during the race today - had to walk several times! finished in 32:06. Not a PR, but not too bad! =)

today's photo is frosty... my cat.  a x-mas package came in the mail and i layed it on the couch. frosty has never met a box he didn't like - any size. he was letting me know this was his box. hurry up and open it =)

Friday, December 16, 2011

happy friday

eh... i'm not impressed with my photo tonight, but it is what it is... what is it? it's my failed attempt at bokeh. i'll try again tomorrow =) happy weekend!  i have a 5k to win tomorrow!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

almost friday!

i may have posted a pic of this sign before, i'm not sure... this is a new pic, though =) and i'll drink to that!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

my good side

on second thought, i'm not sure i've seen frosty's good side. but he sends out a merry christmas to everyone anyway! today's photo is taken from the top of his new favorite perch - the top of the sit-down slot machine. it's warm and eye level with people, all good points.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


today was a good day =)  i'd been a little sad about my old sony headphones dying and the model/type being discontinued. luckily, with some extensive online research i found a new/old headphone exactly like my old one at 4 different CompUSA stores - and one of those stores happened to be in Plano, where I work!  So i ventured over there when they opened this morning, looked through everything on their shelves and then had to ask for help. I had to give them the model number, and tell them their website said they had 2 in stock! =) after looking it up and seeing it online, they searched and found my headphone hidden in a shelf behind a counter!

took a short 2.25 mile run tonight and they worked great! merry x-mas to me =)

Monday, December 12, 2011

ole saint nick

...and *poof* santa made a telephone pole appear with a clap of his hands!

happy holidays... merry x-mas... and shop at Texaco! =)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

head's up

following the Christmas parade yesterday, we went down to the police department firing range for some target practice =) it was a beautiful day out for it too! this was the final class as part of the Citizen's Police Academy - graduation will be next week!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


umm... hogs for sale? only in the terrell Christmas parade =)

i'll have more photos posted later tonight over on facebook!

Friday, December 9, 2011


one from the archives tonight.. tomorrow morning is the annual christmas parade at 10am! afterward, we'll be taking part in some target practice out at a private shooting range. i could tell you the coordinates, but then i'd have to detain you =)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

sony sadness

after nearly 4 years of service... hard, long hours of service, i'm saying RIP to my Sony wireless headphones that have served me so well since 2008. the problem? they're discontinued. i can't buy a replacement! argh! i bought a motorola transmitter to try with a different pair of headphones i purchased a few months ago. the last time my sony's went out and i panicked =) this time they're kaput.. so long, sony!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

do these make me look fast?

it's Christmas time, and grandma wanted to get her shopping done early =) so she bought me new running shoes for Christmas. And i couldn't ask for a better gift! I ran in them today for the 3rd time, and they feel great! i was fitted for these shoes, which was much better than the last pair i picked out for myself!

got the new shoes at RunOnTexas! store, sponsors of a lot of races around the dallas area. they have a nice, friendly atmosphere and knowledgeable staff - and races are always well organized when sponsored by runon =) i should work for them!

thanks grandma!

Monday, December 5, 2011

moral support

everyone has varying levels of support from their friends... and my favorite boss, Kim showed up post-race with the best kind of support - Mimosas!!  =)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

flag football

this morning was the annual k-toys for kids toy drive and flag football game. this year the terrell fire fell to the forney fire dept.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

it is what it is

and what it is, is the season. i can't believe it, but it's here. =) Xmas

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

evening sun

i can't believe it's almost december. where did this year go?

happy birthday to my twin aunts M and C, they are (**) years old today =)

Monday, November 28, 2011


well, with christmas right around the corner... i finished my calendar project tonight! order complete, and due for arrival by dec 13! today's photo one from the archives. i need to get out and get some new photos =)

Sunday, November 27, 2011


well... i made it thru the holidays mostly unscathed =) although i did miss a few days of posts.

as an excuse, i've been working to try and finish up my Christmas gift for my dad... which is a time consuming mash-up of everybody's photos taken during the year. but i'm almost done. percentage wise, i've got 83% done... =) but it's late... and time to go back to work tomorrow... it'll be x-mas before we know it!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

my 2nd annual turkey trot

today was the 44th annual turkey trot in downtown dallas - my 2nd annual =)

last year i ran the 5k and today i did the 8 mile. i was pretty happy with my finish of 1:25:57. especially with the thick crowd of walkers in the first 3 miles!

the pic today was taken by jim over at terrell daily photo. i was okay with the short sleeves during the race, but before we got started it was a cold 45*!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

gone bananas!

ok - so yesterday i posted a pic of my new slot machine... today i hit the jackpot!!  =) i must be lucky or something!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

goin' bananas!

not me... my new slot machine =)

some close friends are moving out of state and didn't want to move their slot machines with them. after pulling my back tonight trying to move this up 4 stairs, i now know why they didn't want to move them! =)

happy thanksgiving to all! i'll be running 8 miles thursday morning before our feast!

Monday, November 21, 2011


i've been bad... missed several posts in the last week. i'll get better, cause i don't want to change the name to texas every other day daily photo  =)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


it was a good idea to pick a place to meet after the race... finding someone in a crowd like this in a parking lot is impossible =)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

post race

post race refreshments. 
mine in hand. the person next to me, ice on the calf =)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

sit a spell

today's photo was taken after i finished the race on sunday... after running for 2 hours and 41 minutes, i needed to sit down. this was the view from the baggage check, our pre-race agreed upon meeting place =)

Monday, November 14, 2011

hey, it's me!

a quick post tonight - a few pics of me in san antonio, thanks to jim over at terrell daily photo et al.

tonight my workout was moving a few slot machines from across town. the joys of owning a little pickup =) and lifting and carrying a 350 pound machine is quite the workout.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

veteran's day parade

we were lucky enough to catch a veteran's day parade on saturday. here are a few horses - and one of the people who have the thankless job of pooper-scooping  for the horses =) oh, and that's the Alamo in the  background of pic 2!

results on my half marathon: finished in 2:41:43 - 13.1 miles in 2 hours and 41 minutes - not bad, but i have room for improvement before the next half marathon (mar 25)... =)

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Today's photo is the Alamodome in downtown San Antonio.  This is the place I'd like to be about an 2 and a half hours after i start the half marathon tomorrow  =)

Friday, November 11, 2011

rock n roll half!

sunday is the 2011 Rock n Roll marathon and half in San Antonio! today's photo is me hanging out with a bunch of Elvises =) or should that be Elvi?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

don't forget

or should i say remember? we'll be running past the Alamo on our half marathon Sunday. It's early in the race, around mile 3. =) still hard to believe this weekend has already arrived! i signed up for this race in June, and was nowhere ready for a race this distance at the time.... and for some reason considering a full marathon for next year!