Tuesday, October 30, 2012

mission accomplished!

it was a long training process for the marathon - 4 months to be exact... we logged some long hours of running during week nights and over the weekends.

it was all worth it!

especially now, a day and a half later when i can walk semi-normally again =)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

looking up

well, i can't believe it's down to the final week before the marathon. i remember when we had over 100 days left to train! now it's down to 6days, and only about 2 training runs left...  i think i can do it! =)  we've done most of the training runs, only skipped a few - and i think i'm ready! battled a bad back all weekend, but that was loosening up and feeling better on the last long run tonight. 8 miles and no back pain, so i think i'm good. fingers crossed!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

a view from behind

Today's photo is a replica of the statue of liberty from the State Fair.

And a view from behind =)
**Thanks to Jim at Terrell Daily Photo for the 2nd pic!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Big Tex RIP

Big Tex burned down today!  Such a sad feeling - it feels like i lost part of my childhood... They'll have a new one next year, but it won't be the same. So long, Tex.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

time marches on

actually, time is flying by!  less than 2 weeks til the marathon and my anxiety grows a little more each day. we've both prepared, trained fairly consistently and followed the training program. so it should be fine.

today's photo was the beautiful view of white rock lake before our 9 mile run this morning. we got a good rain shower overnight, and the air was crisp and clean. our last 2 runs at white rock were rainy and then cold. so today was a nice change. we should be prepared for any kind of weather! =)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

fair day!

the state fair of texas is only open for about 3 weeks a year (september 28th thru october 21st!) so if you wait too long, a lot of times it's over before you know it.

today is our fair day. and today's post is a dark photo of the killdare's, a must-see Celtic band that plays on the Backdoor Stage every hour beginning at 2pm. it's a great show, and a nice shady place to sit and get out of the afternoon sun =)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

train depot

today's photo was taken at the downtown train depot. is it friday yet? =)

Monday, October 1, 2012


one from the archives, taken back in January of this year.  just 26 days til the marathon!