Friday, March 14, 2008

Bulbous Berry Eyes

The two top berries here remind me of some bulge-y eyes... i'm not sure what the bottom berry looks like though... HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!!


Destitute Rebel said...

Nice capture, so its spring in texas.

Halcyon said...


Dan said...

Love the rich colors in this!

Marie-Noyale said...

You've got berries in Texas already??
They make me think of the very bitter cherries we used to pick at my grandmother's.
Enjoy the WE.

Southern Heart said...

Very pretty...the color is amazing!

Chuck Pefley said...

Looks like a red berry to me ... just like the top two ... which also happen to be red. LOL

Have a great weekend!

Halcyon said...

Would these happen to be mayhaw berries? After I was reading about them, I got to thinking maybe they were!