I have a birthday coming up on Saturday, and my broken down old grandma has been kidding me about pushing 40 (i'll be turning 39) and how i'll be getting some new wrinkles as I turn another year older. I told her that if heredity has anything to do with it, then I should be worried. (a joke of course, she'll be reading this later - but i really did tell her that!)
She often tells me that I treat her like an old dirty rag or an old shoe, and I just toss her aside when I'm done with her. She can be very dramatical, but it's all in fun. She's like a close friend... I talk to her every day about whatever may be going on at the time... she's an old marine's wife and not one to mess around with. She's sharp as a tack and can cuss with the best of them(us). I called to make sure she wouldn't kill me for using her as a post for today, and she thought it might be best if I posted some photos from her youth instead of a current one. I thought that kind of lost the whole reason for the 'wrinkle' story, but felt obliged to include a few... she looks like a movie star to me, but I'm sort of biased. ;)

Brian, I am so all choked up that if I'm not careful, I'll be crying out loud, overcome with emotion. The relationship you have with your grandmother is so wonderful. Please, please tell her thank you so much for agreeing to be part of your birthday post--oh, I guess she'll read the comments to, so I'll say it myself, "Thank you!" And you're so right, she's movie-star quality, in all three photos. I'm going to stop now and wipe the tears from my eyes before my Mama sees them and wonders if something's wrong. Happy 39th!
If you grow old like that, you'll still be beautiful. Gefeliciteerd on your birthday and say hi to your 'oma'
She does look like a film star. I bet your Grandma could tell a tale or two. Its so nice to have such a close relationship.
What a beautiful lady! Sounds like you and your grandma are very close. Your very lucky!
All I can say, Brian, is that you told us a wonderful story today. Thanks! She's beautiful, too!
What a nice post and what a Beautiful grand ma you have!!!
You are very lucky to have her so close to you.
She has a wonderful face,and a thousand time better than the women who erase the signs of life...joy and sorrow...from their face!
Enjoy a great 39th birthday.
"Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been".
Lovely post. Made me miss my grandma...
I've heard it said that as we grow older, we trade beauty for wisdom. And, I guess with wisdom comes wrinkles. I bet Grandma is smiling at the nice post you put together of then and now. She looks like a "Great!" grandma.
Brian, your post is wonderful. I'm so glad you have a good relationship with your grandmother. She did (and does) indeed look like a movie star and I hope you don't get into too much hot water for pointing out how much fun she is to be with and talk too.
Kind regards,
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