Sunday, June 13, 2010

caveman crawl

a few more pics from the caveman crawl - the off-road 5k race in Bridgeport.

as usual, the weekend has escaped me... and now it's time to head back to work.


Jim Klenke said...

I like the tux, he got out without getting to messed up.

Hilda said...

I'm relieved to see this was part of the game. I thought a groom had gotten stuck in the mud!

Halcyon said...

What's a cheese head doing there? Don't they belong in Wisconsin? :)

I hate it that the weekends pass so quickly. It seems like you blink and Sunday's already there.

Lynette said...

That guy in the tux looks a little bit like George, my Zipcar buddy. Nice photos, Brian, very nice.