It's hard for me to believe, but today Texas Daily Photo is two years old! It doesn't feel like it's been that long since I started blogging - and even in my first post on January 5, 2008, I pondered whether it would be November or December before I had my 2nd post... =)
Now it's two years later and I'm still plugging away. Some days it can seem like a chore, but overall I enjoy getting out and photographing things around my city and also taking photos when I travel.
I've also enjoyed visiting other places around the US and across the world through the eyes of other City Daily Photo bloggers. I've learned a lot about photography through these other blogs and their pictures; getting ideas for photos as well as techniques for editing the final product.
One of my favorite bloggers, that started his site a few months before mine, just stopped posting as of January 1st. Although I never met him and have never been to Cheltenham, UK, I'll miss Marley's witty posts and photos in 2010... but good luck nonetheless! Strange how one can feel such a sense of loss from the absence of a regularly visited website.
Today's photo is a collage of a few neighboring community city limit signs... it's one that I made back in 2008... =) Happy 2nd Blog Birthday to me, and a prosperous 2010 for us all!!!
Hopefully this isn't my last post this year until November or December. ;-)
Happy 2nd Birthday!
Hey! Happy 2nd Blog Birthday Brian. I feel the same as you. It isn't always easy getting out photograph even the local area, and especially this time of year when it's dark before you even get off work. Often times I have to get my photos on the weekends or my day off. I for one think you do a great job showing us what's going on in your area, so keep on shootin'!
Happy blogiversary!!! I understand what you mean about the "hassle" sometimes. But it is fun overall and it's great when you get a spectacular shot that you can share!!
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