One thing that seems to be popular around my area is the drive-thru beer barn and tobacco store. =)
It also seems to be a popular search on google, and I get a lot of visitors searching for it because of one of my first posts back from January 2008. Who knew? Today's photo is a different merchant than my last post, just a few blocks further west.
Cause, you know, a town can't have too many places that you can drive thru (with 2-way traffic) and satisfy all your alcohol and tobacco needs.
Riverside is located at 500 West Moore Ave, and more information regarding them can be found here. Personally, I have never driven thru either beer barn - I am kind of old-fashioned; I like to get out and go inside to buy my beer... =)
a year from today will be 1/11/11... i'm a numbers person, so is there some significance to this?
Nice night shot, have you ever driven through the Taco Bell behind the beer barn?
I don't know, but next year when those numbers come up you can drive right through, buy a brewsky and celebrate!
preeety lights
Drive Thru where you can buy beer doesn't even exist in Sweden. There it's only one company called Systembolaget who are allowed to sell alcohol and they are only open monday-friday 10a-6p, saturday 10a-1p... that's it...
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