I went down early this morning to Norbuck Park near Whiterock Lake to take photos of the 'Too Cold to Hold' 5k and 15k. I hope within the next couple months to be participating instead of standing on the sidelines =)
Jim has the beginning of the race posted over at Terrell Daily Photo, and is asking viewers to pick out the winner.
There were only a few people in costumes. Spiderman had a big gut hanging out the front of his shirt, and, well... you can see what was bringing up the rear. Spidey was hanging with a few Elvis in personators! =)
I know I'm old, but the blog title reminds me of this old classic George Jones song!
Oh, Spiderman > "TMI" ... too much information! Fun 5K snaps, Bri!
Guess what Brian,
We were tagged by NikonSniper to provide answers to 8 questions, then tag 8 others. Guess what? Yep, you've been tagged. You can check over at our blog for the questions, then please let us know when you've posted your answers.
Thanks in advance for being a good sport.
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