Monday, August 18, 2008

You can't see me!

I'm hiding behind this pole!

This is a goat that was in a trailer attached to the turquoise 'Studebaker' from yesterday... and my, what strange eyes these guys have - the iris is long and horizontal.. :-S


Lynette said...
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Lynette said...

Goats have always creeped me out. It seems confusing to me that nursery rhymes/cartoons/folk tales that deal with goats and mice are so beloved.

About the deux chevaux dilemma, I was thinking the same thing once I had downloaded the photos and saw those people inside it.

Anonymous said...

A studebaker! grandad always used to drive those. I'm impressed. Goat is cute too.

Halcyon said...

I think he's making eyes at you!

Gretchen said...

I like it. A different angle most wouldn't bother to take. :)