Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday night - Sleepy Frosty

I ended up taking a short road trip with my grandmother today (friday), so I'll post a 'theme' day photo tomorrow =)
I'm actually having trouble pulling my site up tonight.. i can see the page for a second before I get an IE error message and it disappears... so I finally got in to blogger just to post, but I'm a little late for friday....


Harry Makertia said...

Wow.. wow... it's a great shot! Frosty is posing for you!

Anonymous said...

Awww - (whisper).Hi Frosty! You're sooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Good Shot...
Even cat becomes tiger when you click it..

marley said...

It looks like he had a late night!

Lynette said...

Great posts all over, Brian. I'm feeling like Frosty, some kinda sleepy--great photo!