Tuesday, December 7, 2010

to tree or not to tree

it's been 2 years since I tried to put up a tree with my glass ornaments. back in 2008, the last attempt, Frosty was just 7 months old... and the shiny flashy tree proved too much for his interest, and his weight. he bent every bottom branch on the tree trying to get to the ornaments =)


Anonymous said...

LoL! bust his frosty butt! I have a Christmas pic of you & Greg put inside of a Christmas card to be sent out... ya'll were sooo cuuute!
And I'm gonna post it, too

Jim Klenke said...

I say go for a fake tree with the pine car freshener to give it the smell of christmas.

Halcyon said...

That's why my sister bought those unbreakable type of balls. I think it's just in a kitty's nature to want to swat at shiny things.

Lynette said...

Time surely has flown. It's been two years since Frosty's kitten photos? Wow.

SRQ said...

Mulligan was never like that. Although he was a canine, he had a lot of cat in him. (The basenji breed is known for its cat-like behavior, including swatting at things.) When I first brought a real tree in the house, he wasn't even one-year-old yet. He sniffed and sniffed, but that was it. I think he always wondered why a tree would suddenly show up in the living room.