Thursday, September 30, 2010

what's old is new

today's photo is a photo of a photo that i took during the fly in. it's an old view of downtown terrell - the Iris Theater is visible (as is the Lyric)... the Mobil sign is the corner of Rockwall and Moore, and was still a Mobil until recently - but changed to Texaco several years ago.

i love old photos like this to compare to what it looks like now. this one, you'll have to excuse my reflection =) it was in a glass frame and i had to use a flash.

Click the photo for a larger view!

p.s. i decided to change the banner photo for a day or two =) it never lasts... but i need to go back and edit my old standard Terrell City Limit sign to fit the new wider layout on the blog!


Jim Klenke said...

This is a neat picture. I need to look and see if I can tell where the Texaco was on the south side of Moore.

Halcyon said...

I sort of like the new banner. It looks pretty retro-cool.

Anonymous said...

Cool new digs, Bri! I love the colors!!! =)
And I love that header, too - I agree, old pics are so interesting to compare!