Sunday, August 29, 2010

friday night football continued =)

a few more photos from Friday night. i really enjoyed taking photos on the sidelines; a unique opportunity to snap a few candid shots to remember the cool, late summer evening. not to mention the best seat and view!

i'm definitely still the novice here, as i continue to learn the different settings on the slr camera.

there's no shortage of professional photography going on though - check out Jim's photos on Terrell Daily Photo and facebook - and Don's in the Tribune, and Michael's over at Obstructed View. some really great captures by all...

I've got some more photos posted on my facebook page here.


Jim Klenke said...

I like that Tigerette shot.

Halcyon said...

You got some nice shots! I also like the raised arms shot. They look really engrossed in the action.