Sunday, August 22, 2010

sunday already?

the weekend, as usual, has gone so quickly!

grandma had a return trip to the hospital beginning Thursday afternoon, and she came back home today (Sunday).

My first slot tournament, scheduled for Saturday, was canceled... and I wasn't informed prior to the trip. Nice scheduling FAIL Horseshoe. I still passed my time (and lost my money) at several other casinos.

And to finish off the weekend, I enjoyed my Sunday afternoon taking in a play at Books and Crannies in the old Iris Theater. It was 'Barefoot in the Park' a Neil Simon play, performed by the Vagabond Players. It was an engaging performance with a lot of comedic talent in the group, and a really nice afternoon!

Can't wait for 'A Christmas Carol' by the Vagabond Players, coming up in December!... =)


Randy said...

Beautiful photo. Hope your grandmother gets better soon. I love Barefoot in the Park.

Jim Klenke said...

I dont want to go back to work. And school zones, yuck.

Halcyon said...

I don't want to go to work either. :( Vacations should be longer and working shorter.

Anonymous said...

that's very pretty! love that sky & all that green grass