Tuesday, July 29, 2008


so - this is a marker for the inhabitants of my UFO from the other day, hence the 'other'... =) but seriously - I'll leave it up to you to guess if it was mother or brother... or if it was actually 'other'


Lynette said...

Well, Brian, I like this mystery. My guess is pure nonsense, along the lines of "my mother's other brother lies a moulderin' in his grave."

We're beside each other on the portal!

Janet said...

Gotta be Mother.

Kim said...

Awfully small to be a mother's marker, so my guess is brother. I spend a lot of time in cemeteries and the markers always interest me.

Lynette said...

About your comment on my blog, Brian, Mama and I are laughing and laughing! She said, "Tell him I agree with him!" when she could get her breath!

Laurie Allee said...

I'm going to go with Other. Just because it's more weird that way.


I love this photograph so much. The composition, the word, the curiousity ... everything.


Marie Reed said...

Probably not Smother (the last name):)

Anonymous said...

Ya got me!

Brady said...

Nice photo!

marley said...

A mystery! I guess brother.