Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Downtown Glen Rose - Somervell County Courthouse

Today's photo shows the court house in the middle of the downtown Glen Rose square... I love old town squares, unfortunately we don't have one in Terrell - just a little downtown 'strip' =)

The Somervell Courthouse, like other buildings in the area, is made out of limestone that was locally quarried. The courthouse as shown was built in 1893 after the previous building burned down.

The clock tower reminds me of the courthouse in Back to the Future =)


Anonymous said...

Very cool history lesson - very interesting - I really like the limestone buildings... Ya know they say that residual hauntings occur more in towns where buildings are constructed w/ limestone - something about the limestone holding past events more so than any other material.

Halcyon said...

It's a very pretty building. The clock tower also reminds me of BTTF, although I wouldn't have thought that if you hadn't mentioned it.

Dan said...

Great pics Brian! I love old, historic buildings like these.

Hey, what's up with the Glen Rose thing? I noticed Jim from Terrell is also posting pictures from there. Did all of Terrell invade GR for a weekend?