Sunday, April 6, 2008

goodbye weekend :(

Goodbye weekend, hello new work-week… the weekends seem to pass more quickly the older I get.

This is a photo of the Canton water tower, located off of Canton’s downtown square, as seen through the people trolley that carries visitors from one side of the enormous flea market to the other – with a few stops inbetween. Canton is a small town east of Terrell that transforms into the largest flea market in Texas on the weekend preceding the first Monday of every month. Hence it’s name, Canton First Monday Trade days. I went to Canton on Saturday with Jim, from Terrell Daily Photo, and my grandmother. Jim has some additional facts about Canton posted to his website also.

Here is a short video below of me picking up my grandma to go to Canton. I did a post back in March of my grandma, and she’s quite a character… If you listen close, you can hear her calling me a ‘cheap-skate’ for not buying her a Dr. Pepper before picking her up… this also shows evidence of her flipping her fingers at me - she also sticks her tongue out, but I didn’t get that on zoom….


Lynette said...

Who's the bigger hoot, Brian? You or your grandma? I know. I'll ask Jim. Meanwhile, I wish I'd been with y'all. Great photo--love the way you shot it.

brian stout said...

lynette, i'd have to say my grandma and all her crazy neighbor friends are more of a hoot than I am... (they are from terrell after all, so they must be crazy.) i'll soon have a video of a crazy old scooter lady from her complex =)

Anonymous said...

This is the Crazy Grandma ,I think you are funny, I will Keep you around to make my life interesting

smilnsigh said...

As one Crazy Grandma to another... Well, I'm actually a Crazy Nana but it's all the same... You keep right on keeping that Brian in line. >,-)


Halcyon said...

Funny. We also have a Canton near Jackson. They have a big flea market twice a year. I think it's mainly arts and crafts though.

Anonymous said...

Hay brain have fun from the carzy lady with the scooter

Anonymous said...

Carzy old grandma & nanaIt tine someone said someone said nice thing about them A crazy old grand ma