Sunday, January 23, 2011

weekend reflections

once again, a busy weekend coming to an end.

friday started with a dentist appointment, a chinese buffet dinner and a visit to grandma in Terrell hospital. (she's out now and things are going alright)

saturday was a beautiful weather day and i managed to get out and get a few pics (like today's reflection photo =))

sunday began with my 4th race 0f 2011 - the 'Too Cold to Hold 5k'. i finished in 32:13... and i ran the entire course without yelling at anyone to get out of my way! =)


Jim Klenke said...

I like the reflection. I am glad you didnt have to trip anyone this time.

Anonymous said...

Dude, it's not like you to yell at anyone... =)

Very pretty shot & did you know there's a meme called Weekend Reflections that you could have entered this pic... could have gotten more comments, bro!!! =)

Gunn said...

A great image!:)

Halcyon said...

Very pretty!