Thursday, July 21, 2011


i think i see the end of the week at the top of the stairs!

and a fountain down below =)


Jim Klenke said...

so if i wait at the bottom of the stairs, Ill never get anywhere?

Lynette said...

Jim's funny, isn't he? I think your stairs are tempting to make one slowly walk up them. Where in the world are they, though?

Anonymous said...

YaY! Now, all ya'll need down there is RAIN!!! =)

brian stout said...

jim - if you're waiting somewhere, you'll get somewhere time-wise but not distance-wise. wise-@$$ =)

lynette - these stairs are at the San Antonio riverwalk, they lead back up to the street level downtown

tric - amen sister!

Cilla said...

The stairs was very long this morning and I am so happy to be on top of them now...