Friday, July 15, 2011

friday skywatch!

happy friday! i'm off to san antonio for my big 5k run tonight... followed by some free Alamo Beer!!


Halcyon said...

I don't know how you can do those runs in the record heat you've been having down there! Good luck in any case. Love your sky today. :)

brian stout said...

LOL! When I smoked, people said they couldn't believe i could go out in the heat to smoke! =)

Judy said...

Great clouds!

Jim Klenke said...

looks like your tree is in the pic too.

Anonymous said...

I was prolly one of those that asked about smoking in the heat... it would make me sick when I smoked out in the heat, but THANK GOD, we've both QUIT! YaY uS! =)

That sky is bee u tee ful! =)

Owlfarmer said...

So how come you folks get clouds and we Metroplexers don't? I mean, we see 'em off in the distance, but nothing gets here. Must be all of the hot air coming out of Dallas.

Good luck on the run--although I don't imagine SA's going to be any cooler.

Anonymous said...

Lovely colours!