Friday, February 26, 2010

skywatch friday!

happy friday!!

today's photo was taken in the drive-thru at Whataburger ... i just love me some taquitos for breakfast!

Click thru here to view others participating in skywatch Friday!

Or, click here to view other weekend reflection photos at Newtown Area Photo


LV said...

What an excellent sight through that window. I am glad you took time out from eating to capture this lovely scene.

Louis la Vache said...

Good SkyWatch choice and inadvertent entry in Jame's Weekend Reflections meme...

Halcyon said...

I like this reflection! Happy Friday!!

Sistertex said...

Beautiful and probably a lot healthier than Whataburger picked up at the next window that was open! ;)

Jim Klenke said...

Reflections are not free, please pull forward to pay for the view.

allhorsestuff said...

Got some good eats and some great change$ with your shots!

Carolyn Ford said...

What a beautiful sky! And, your eyes were open at that time of day...glad you didn't miss this one!

Sunny said...

Whatasunrise! Great capture.
Sunny :)

Sylvia K said...

Terrific reflection, gorgeous sky! Glad you didn't miss it! Love taquitos! Hope you have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

That's a beauty! Taqyuitos sound good right now!

Müge said...

Nice reflection, creative photography!

Paula said...

Here I thought I was the only one who likes taquitos for breakfast. Love the reflection shot.

cieldequimper said...

What a sky! Super reflection!

Louise | Italy said...

Great sky!

Laura said...

I love the colors and the way you've caught the sky in the window...beautiful.

Lorac said...

Good sunrise capture in the window! Colours are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Or get the best reflection at the other window. Nice job.

Don and Krise said...

Now there you go double dippin' again. Great photo, and great name..Whataburger. :-)

Kcalpesh said...

Excellent capture of the reflection! Supershot!

Pixellicious Photos

Kat said...

I had to check this out. I knew you were a fellow Texan as soon as I saw the Whataburger reference. Beautiful shot, and I'm amazed that you were awake enough to catch it at sunrise! Kathy

B : ) said...

What a wonderful reflection - so imaginative!

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