Monday, December 31, 2012

so long 2012

there have been a few good things happen during this year, but for the most part i'm ready to say goodbye to 2012 and look forward to a better 2013.

the year started ok - getting sideline passes to a few bowl games with jim from terrell daily photo.

but then mid-january my grandma had a few small strokes. she was in the hospital for a week and a nursing home for a week. her health steadily declined following the strokes, and she passed on january 31st.   it was tough losing her, especially losing someone so close.

my grandma was a marine's wife and she loved everything about the marines.  so shortly after her passing, i signed up to run the 37th annual Marine Corps Marathon in DC.  my longest run prior to this was a half marathon, 13.1 miles - so the full marathon distance of 26.2 really seemed a challenge for me. kind of a long-off, far-away thing that i didn't understand how hard it was going to be at first.

the marathon was october 28th, and it followed 4 months of training. running 4-5 times a week, with one of those being a long run on the weekend. it took a real desire and dedication to keep up with the schedule, but knowing this huge thing was looming at the end also forced us keep at it. we skipped a few practice runs, but not many. it was a tough goal and a real challenge to run the 26.2 - and it's definitely NOT something i'd do regularly or every year.... but it was a great experience that was life-changing in a way. to push your body to its limits and have the mental power to continue was amazing. i feel i can work at any goal and achieve it now.

so i suffered a big loss at the beginning of the year. and enjoyed a tremendously rewarding, personal achievement at the end. and to commemorate the long hours of training and preparation, and eventual completion of the marathon, i got a tattoo - a 26.2 on the back of my leg.

so here's a toast to grandmas and 26.2 tattoos.

and a fond farewell to 2012 and wishes for a prosperous and joy-filled 2013 for us all!


Kate said...

A wonderful story for a beautiful woman! Great tribute! Happy New year to you!!

Lynette said...

Brian, such a great post. Thanks for that photo of your sweet Grandma. I miss reading about your out-and-abouts with her. Thankfully, you've got some great memories of her and of your accomplishments, honey.